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www.StrumentazioneElettronica.it is the first and only Italian website fully dedicated to Electronics and Test & Measurement.

Strumentazione Elettronica targets professionals electronics engineers and users of T&M products.


Visitors of the site are professionals involved in test and measurement of electronics products and systems, including electronic designers, test engineers, researchers, installers, maintenance professionals, educators and more.

Our site has been designed to serve the needs of a specific vertical audience: users of T&M products.

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Fiere e Seminari

Logo FocusonPCB

FocusonPCB - Vicenza, 15-16 maggio 2024

Torna a Vicenza il 15 e 16 maggio 2024 Focus on PCB, la terza edizione della fiera dedicata all'intera filiera dei circuiti stampati. Nata dalla volontà del Gruppo PCB Assodel…
Oscilloscopi ad alta definizione